Sunday, November 14, 2010

Doctor Who Series 5 is Near-Perfect: Part 1

Let me just start out by saying, "It is 'Series 5', not 'Season 5". If you want to get technical, the season introducing Matt Smith as The Doctor is Season 31.

And I think Series 5 is near-perfect.

But first, let me give you a tiny bit of recap into my summer's swelling of Doctor Who:

Nearly a year ago, to the day, actually, I started watching the Christopher Eccleston episodes of Doctor Who. By late December, I had caught up to the end of the David Tennant episodes.

Then I waited for the Matt Smith premiere, patiently, like everyone in England.*

*(I say, 'everyone in England' because I sure wasn't going to wait the two extra weeks for it to be on American TV. I was going to watch them online. Even so, I didn't have basic cable at the apartment I was living in, so I wouldn't have been able to watch anyway.)

Then, during the middle of the Matt Smith-sodes I moved into the place where I'm living now and we have Digital Cable which also, I found out weeks later, gives me access to BBC America.

I was a happy lad.

The point of this blog is a platform set-up into something that I may continue for the next few posts or so. The Series 5, while it may not have David Tennant as The Doctor, has evolved into something more perfect than (I'm assuming) the previous 30 seasons hadn't been able to touch.

Scratch that. I meant to say, 'The previous 26 seasons', because I am able to heavily compare and contrast the last five series/seasons to each other.

But more on that later.

Go back and read: Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Be my NaNo buddy!


  1. Series one through four and the Specials in a month and a half or so? Impressive, Travis!
    - Jason

  2. I watched season 3 and 4 in less than a week, I'm hardcore! hehehe I also think that series 5 is near perfect, not only did the effects were MUCH better but the story felt cohesive and it was cool! there were some episodes that weren't great but at least they weren't as bad as some of the previous series(The unicorn and the wasp). Amy Pond it's a great character, a perfect companion, and Matt Smith its great as The Doctor. <:D
