Today was different, to say the least.
I was running around. A lot. I did a lot of figuring out what to do about school/work/summer stuff today. I should be doing the dishes right now. But to be fair to the dishes, I did wake-up around 11:00am. Sorry, dishes. I should have finished you earlier. Actually, I should be finishing you right now, but instead, I'm doing my BEDA entry. Come to think of it, I still have to put up the Pun of the Day video today. Hm, this is quickly becoming a To Do list.
Oh, well. Go with the flow.
Post today's Pun of the Day video.
Yup, gotta head to the lab in a while and do that, probably while talking on the phone to a certain YouTuber.
Turn in the rest of the job applications.
I went all around town today picking up job apps and only finished filling out about half of them. I don't have class until 4:00pm tomorrow so they should be completed and turned into their respective businesses by 3:00pm.
Figure out Florida apartment stuff.
Most FL apartments only rent out to people who can sign a 12 month lease. Either that, or a month-to-month is about $800/month. There is one place that offered to rent to me for a cheap month-to-month, provided I stay there for four or more months. I only need a place for four months. The thing is, she won't know about any available apartments until mid-April. Have to get that figured out.
Self-explanatory. Have to do them. Probably right after I post this.
Okay, okay, internal dialog. I'll do them now. Promise.
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